
you have a voice. use it.


october 18th, 2025
3301 Price Ave, Cincinnati Ohio 45205

want more zines, comics, and small press books in the cincinnati area?

come visit our store - indie northern kentucky

zinecinnati BIG colored splsh background.jpg

 Zinecinnati welcomes zinesters, alt comix creators, poets, self-publishers, and book/paper artists from all over (and beyond) the Cincinnati area. Zinecinnati is a place intended for these creators and artists to meet one another, experience one another's work, promote their work, and share ideas and stories. Zinecinnati does not promote censorship of any kind, however we do encourage a family-friendly event. 


Safer Spaces Policy

(adapted from the Chicago Zine Fest)

Zinecinnati is a safer space, which means that it is intended to be a welcoming, engaging and supportive environment free of oppressive actions, behaviors, and language. Participants and attendees are asked to consider how their language and behavior impacts others in attendance.

The following guidelines will help Zinecinnati be a safer space:

  • Respect peoples’ physical and emotional boundaries.

  • Be responsible for your actions, and aware that they may have an effect on others regardless of original intent.

  • Respect peoples’ opinions, beliefs, differing states of being and differing points of view.

  • Always get explicit verbal consent before touching someone or crossing boundaries.

The following actions and forms of discrimination and abuse will not be tolerated:

  • Racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and all other forms of discrimination

  • Causing a participant or attendee to feel distressed or unsafe

  • Disruptive or disrespectful behavior

  • Sexual harrassment, inappropriate/unwelcome comments and behaviors

  • Physical, verbal, or mental abuse

  • Theft of money or property

Should an issue arise with a participant or attendee before the fest, the Zinecinnati staff will be available to hear these concerns and find a solution that is in the best interests of the community and the event being a safer space. Should an issue arise with a participant or attendee during the fest, the Zinecinnati staff will be available to mediate on-site and attempt to find a solution. The Zinecinnati staff reserves the right to ask any attendees who are violating the safer space policy to change or address their unsafe behavior or language, or leave the event if needed.

There are a range of solutions to safer spaces policy concerns, and banning is the very last option on that list; it is not something that is done often. Zinecinnati will not always make public statements regarding safer spaces decisions, but any policy-related action taken by Zinecinnati organizers has been precipitated by months, if not years, of serious, measured discussion about the issue within the group and from multiple voices. No safer spaces decision is made hastily or lightly.

What is a Zine?

A zine is a publication that is typically produced without the goal of making a profit. Zines are made out of a need for expression or a desire to communicate ideas. Some zines are poetry or prose, some are cartoons, photographs, or collages. 

Some zines may be professionally printed, while others were run through the photo copier. Either way, they're a beautiful canvas for the expression of the creator.


Contact Us

You can send us a message through Facebook, Instagram, or in the form below. Don't worry we don't bite. Hard.


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